šŸ˜ŠĀ Founder Organizers

How do I become an Organizing Founder?

Who can be an Organizing Founder?

Will TWiST verify foundersā€™ status?

When can we start organizing events?

Can I have the emails of those who RSVP?

Who do I talk to after planning the Meetup?

šŸ’¼Ā  Attendees

Where can I upload photos from Meetups?

How can I contact Organizing Founders?

Can I go to a Meetup if I missed the previous one?

Can I bring another founder?

šŸ¤‘Partnership FAQ

Who do I contact if I want to be a partner?

How much does it cost to be a partner?

What does the partnership money go towards?

What if there is extra partnership money?

How many partners can there be per Meetup?

Who cannot be a partner?

What do partners get?

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Who can attend Meetups?

What are the steps to planning a Meetup?

  1. Rachel will connect the Organizing Founders over an email.
    1. Don't forget to fill out the contact form in the email! This will be public information so Meetup attendees can view the Organizer's work.
  2. The Organizers together plan a location, date, and time for the Meetup.
  3. Let Producer Rachel know the details and she will create and send a signup form to use.
    1. Bonus: Make a calendar link she can put in the signup form for attendees.
  4. Share the signup form in the founder community. We will also share it on social media.
  5. Let Rachel know 5 days before the Meetup to send out the reminders to those who RSVP'd (or if it needs to be postponed)
  6. Take a photo at the Meetup and share it in Slack!

What do we need for Meetup 1?

  1. A casual space, like a bar or pizza shop.
  2. An area that is easy to find when walking into the space.
    1. Bonus: Rachel can share an organizer's phone number with the reminder email. This will let founders call in if they are unable to find the group. Not everyone is on Slack!

What do we need for Meetup 2?

  1. A bar, restaurant, or co-working space that allows reservations for a group
    1. Note: WeWorks have worked great for this!
  2. An area where it is possible to network efficiently. It would be a good idea to have the ability to stand and walk around.

What do we need for Meetup 3?

  1. Seats for everyone
  2. A projector and speakers
  3. A computer and internet powerful enough to run Zoom
  4. A quiet space

What are the best spaces to host Meetup 3?