Thank you for being a guest on the podcast.

This page explains the background of our show, how we can make your episode amazing, and what to expect.

We have a large audience of active & aspiring entrepreneurs, investors and tech leaders.

The format of the chat is conversational, we have 2 hosts, Jason and Molly. Both ask questions and let the conversation flow organically

We really care about getting great audio for your episode. If you don't have a good microphone and headphones, please send the best mailing address to [email protected] and we will gift you our time-tested guest setup!

(Once the setup arrives, our producers will schedule a 5-minute tech check so the day of recording goes smooth and doesn’t need to be rescheduled due to last-minute technical issues)

This Week in Startups is a collection of almost 1450+ episodes featuring interviews with startup founders, CEOs, investors, analysts and journalists including Tobi Lutke (Shopify), Brad Gerstner  (Altimeter Capital), Daniel Ek (Spotify), Anne Wojcicki (23andMe), Melanie Perkins (Canva), and many others.

Where to find the This Week in Startups

This is both an audio and video podcast.

Website, Apple Podcasts, Youtube, Spotify